Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lessons in Influence from the Book of Esther

Last Saturday I had a cool opportunity to sit with a few others, listening to our senior pastor Gregg Parris talk about what it means to be a leader. He spoke briefly about some of his success as a leader. He also spoke in depth about several of his devastating failures. I’ll blog some of those stories in coming days.*

Drawing from the book of Esther in the Bible, Gregg presented us with eight leadership lessons. I missed many of the connections to Esther, so you may want to read the book for yourself. It’s a fascinating story.

Eight Lessons in Influence from Esther

Pray to see things as they are. Often times the stated issue isn’t the real issue. Gregg said the younger you are when you learn this, the better off you’ll be for the rest of your life. Ask, “God, what is really going on in this conflict?”

Influence influencers. Gregg said that this principle is why he showed up on Saturday morning to speak to our small group. He sees potential to influence in our little band of interns. (No pressure, guys!)

Be courageous and self-sacrificial. You will never be a great leader unless you’re willing to suffer. Those who suffer with grace do so because of their courage.

Timing and preparation are crucial to influence. You have to pick your battles. And you need to be prepared. With regard to issues of the kingdom of God, timing is everything.

Be crucified to personal ambition. Authority to lead comes to the degree that you lay down your life for the people you serve. If you will take care of the depth of your relationship with God, he’ll take care of the breadth of your influence.

Be positive, not destructive. Destruction is what happens when we’re not positive. Think the best of people.

Get control of your pride and ego before exerting influence.

Trust God with the results.

If I had to choose one or two of these to consider in my life, maybe to focus some growth and training on, I think I’d go with “Pray to see things as they are.” I could also do with a greater sense of personal sacrifice and courage, but I’d rather not think about that.

One thing I see at work in my life, that I delight in, is the privilege I have to influence influencers. I spend a good bit of my time speaking to and writing for people who love Jesus and want to respectfully invite others to follow him.

How about you? Any of these you’d like to grow in? Any you’ve seen God give you or build in you lately?

*OK, truth be told: Gregg didn’t talk about failure and I wouldn’t blog it if he did. I just put that in there to encourage you to keep reading!

1 comment:

paulmerrill said...

Trust God with the results.

That's my biggie.