Friday, June 6, 2008

Big Time Fun this Summer

The coming summer promises to hold some fun and productive times for our family. Today was the first full day of summer school break for the kids and Ann. It was a little bumpy, resulting in the following challenge from the Mom and teacher: “Tomorrow will see improved behavior and a higher percentage of chores done or we go right back to school!”

Should that not happen, the kids have some fun stuff ahead. On June 23 they’ll start a week long service project with church. The older three will spend the whole week at the church, sleeping in class rooms and spending their days throughout the city building, tearing down, pulling weeds, painting, giving away candy and cleaning toilets. Ann and I will serve as coaches, doing what we can to help a couple teams succeed. You're welcome to join us on Friday evening for the big Party in the Parking Lot wrap up event. Look for me doing my staff duty, sitting in the dunk tank for the amusement of all!

I have two training opportunities in June. I’m excited about the Perspectives National conference that will be held in Dallas. It should be a great chance to hang out with some of my heroes and colleagues, and it may open some doors for new speaking opportunities. A couple weeks later, I’ll attend an Alpha training event in preparation for our church running that program in the spring.

We also have tons of family and friends coming in for visits. Ann’s brother and his family will fly in from Arizona because they heard in Indiana it’s a “wet heat!”

Throughout the summer, I’m teaming up with our Commonway pastor to host a training internship for several young leaders in our fellowship. We’re planning to help these guys take steps toward the roles of vision and influence that God has in mind for them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! Good to read your first blog! I hope things go better tomorrow for the kids! We hope to spend some time with them at some point over the summer.